The verification code SCAM

There has been a lot of recent news about cyber-attacks. Scammers, hackers, and other cyber-criminals attack corporations and cause huge losses of millions every day. Data breaches leave the personal information of a huge number of users exposed. Individuals suffer from identity theft. All of these are proof enough of how important security is for any website. While the people who make these attempts seem like they use state-of-the-art methods to execute them, most of the time they only need to target the weakest links in a corporation. In most cases, the weakest link of a system is the human component. People can be manipulated, bribed, or blackmailed into giving away important information. The oldest trick in the scammer's book is to fool the victim into giving away important information. This is known as phishing and it is a threat as old as the internet. While phishing is an extensive subject, today's article focuses on a modern approach. This is called the verificati...